This statement can easily put an eluded woman to rage. A line that can stoop at their regular believes that are by now a full grown mind. But before surrendering to the perplexing common reaction, and before jumping to conclusions, read my whispers through this note.
How many married women made history? Ok, ok, that was not a good start. I will start as calm as a soft breeze. A girl is born in majestic hopes of a sacred -not from the religious point of view but from the traditional Middle-Eastern view- matrimony that fill the hospital's air. Every cheering face that meet with the round-faced-piece-of-precious-meat perceive nothing but a grown girl accompanied by a man who can "care for her".
That introduction is also a bit slow-paced. Let me start over again; this time with concrete views. Man -GENERAL RULE AND I MEAN ALL MEN. YES I AM GENERALISING- in all societies, all places, all countries, all races and all planets -I believe- is and will be as dominating in his views as a king who speaks about being just and from-the-people. History like a flood has successfully wiped all traces of equality. Of course -like pulling ancient monuments out of oceans- some speckles of equality come to light throughout the last decade –and still women congratulate themselves with them- but they are never completely equal. Maybe, as some will succumb to the rusty perception which is that women are not like man physically. Well, bravo, they are not. But, what if they are equal mentally? Why does one still find some actions "improper" if done by women? Enough fooling ourselves!
I tried by all means to be as serene as a calm passer by who tries to explain the directions. I have always known that men are not ever going to shake off that luxury of inequality from their minds and their behavior. But, what I never knew is that many women refuse to have their "irresponsible" freedom.
Man has the seeds of inequality in his mind why do women water them, why?
© Ahmad Magdy - 2009