Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Old Smiles

Sometimes your past is not that good to keep. It keeps pulling you back to its darkness. Its wrinkled shades of happiness. These memories that were once a life are never going to repeat itself. You will not allow it. Yet, they keep snarling and kicking to be observed by your fresh looks that search for happiness in a labyrinth designed meticulously by life. I try not to look back, but they, like old women, who do nothing but call your name to help. Happiness is no where. Crocked faces and smiles construct a colossal figure of past, if you leave it there, look at it with awe, whisper "what a wonderful figure of ancient charm?" you will have a life. If not, the whole giant will collapse over your dreamy head and squash your dream of future happiness...

Purple Spattered Memories by Zancan

© Ahmad Magdy - 2010

Sunday, October 3, 2010

The eternal trap

Fury eats through flesh, I am sure of it. Gnaws at these white bones that fill our fragile bodies. It fights and slaps. Shoots and stabs us. I know, it is like blood, with a different color. What I am sure of is that it boils in a spot close to the heart, thus lungs collapse and struggle to puff the hot air out. Believe me, it is a collision that echoes all over the enraged body. What a force! Eyes see people, yet mind concentrates on anger unwilling to forgive or relent to the joys of existence. You realize the seriousness of your existence when you find out that it is a wicked trap set up to fool you into believing in life.

I get mad when I get furious. I feel I am baited, or call it I feel I am fooled into existence. Beware, life is a trap.  

© Ahmad Magdy - 2010

Monday, September 6, 2010

A Boat in sewage By Ahmad Magdy


This is a short film that focuses on the Environmental danger that awaits the world. It shows how troubles, and corruption can lead to a lack of awareness about the Environmental crisis among youth. It is shot in Egypt, but with a universal view in mind. It is an interview with two Egyptian youth, asking them about problems that might seem out of context to them. Because, in Egypt corruption blinds people to Environmental dangers.

Made by: Ahmad Magdy

Thanks to: Ahmed Ali Ahmed Saad

Subtitles: Hisham Abdel Azim

© Ahmad Magdy - 2010

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Animalistic Feelings


Like it or not, revenge, envy, rage, jealousy and many other horrifying-for-some feelings are looked down upon by us. I never thought that animals have these humanistic emotions. When I think about it, I start questioning myself "Do these feelings distinguish us from animals?"

It is the sense of challenge that provokes these forces to take over. The animalistic will to prove one it the alpha male is there in all of us, hidden behind the cloak of restrained-reverence. A plastic mask made by us, for us. I surrender sometimes and admit it, I feel these feelings gnawing at my bones periodically. What amazes me, is the ferocious effect they have. They are a force, a passion that demands swift actions.

I see envy in eyes, a spark, like the one in the Gazelles' eyes when it observes a lion chasing it. How superior this animal is!
But I am sure they are not really the negative feelings or sins some speak about. In a jungle, there is no place for critics. That is why critics are never killed, authors are the ones who are stabbed and shot.

© Ahmad Magdy - 2010

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Give and Take

Apply this concept to any action in life, you will know what I mean. It can be applied to materialistic daily stuff, like money for service, also the other way round, service for money. If one day, you listen to someone's heart-rending story that lasts for thirty hours that is soaked with emotions -may be- unintentionally, you will be waiting desperately for a chance to prove to yourself that you will be heard likewise. Fair enough. Give water, take fruits. Give money, take work. Give good deeds, go to heaven.
Yet sometimes, unexpectedly, results fail you, or somehow "fool" you, life treats you with a slap on your face. You give water, yet a diseased tree surprises you with a rotten fruit. Ironically, you might give your employees cash, but they betray your confidence and do the work half-heartily. It is astonishing, is not it? But, the question is what happens when you spend hours fishing, still not a single fish colorizes your starving rod?

© Ahmad Magdy - 2010

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Leopard and hyenas


They fought off the slim leopard that caught that golden deer. How could the lonely wanderer win a fight against a group of starving hyenas? The leopard was fast, smart and light enough to capture the wonderful piece of meat, but not strong enough to defend his prize. Mouths wide open. Saliva dripping. Hyenas have the strongest jaws. They knew this fact, thus they exploited it, and the leopard knew it as well. It filled the holes of fear in its heart, this grim fact, that touched his mind and made it well aware of its inferiority. Is it a shame that leopards walk their way in the world as individuals not in groups? How fair can life be? Still, the famished swift animal paced the yellow grass feeling laughed at by the snoopy wind and the wooden haughty trees. The universe looked down upon it. Its raging glistening eyes observed a lonely zebra. It was there, red, it was even lonely, just like the lonely stalker. Lost its way. His food.

© Ahmad Magdy - 2010