Wednesday, November 9, 2011

They do not give a fuck about us!!!


Actually, let me put it this way, I do not buy what BIG companies promote, because they do not know what is good for me. Did you notice that the buying cycle has changed miserably? 

When one feels that one needs something, he/she searches for the best stuff for him/her and buy it. The cycle is reversed these days. Once a company advertize a product one feels the need for it.  Once a clothing line promotes something, one feels the urge to have it. Once a brand is so popular, one feels that he/she must acquire one of its products.

When I think about it, I feel it is strange. What makes a company promote something that hard, and pressure it everywhere all the time? Money? It would never occur to me that they care for me that much! They are not so concerned whether I need it or not, they care to sell it, actually, they don't give a fuck about us, they give a fuck about our cash, so I have decided -after trying for some time-  to reject that, and respond "I don't give a fuck about these companies either". I will search for the best for me whether it is a brand or not, and I would rather support local businesses. I think it is good to support good local products rather than playing a part in that MASS PRODUCTION vicious trap. 

Think about it, do you really believe those businesses which claim they care about you and your needs?

This goes on with the monopoly that some websites lead. I use search engines like Yahoo, Bing, Ask or Google. Does it have to be GOOGLE only? I understand that these big websites like Google and Facebook try to own it all, but one should consider himself/herself an individual with sense to choose what one wants to do. Take Facebook for instance, it works on and on to own almost all of our time on internet by adding chat, notifications (all the time to keep visiting) then (recently) video call, and who knows what is next. In old days, I used to use yahoo messenger and MSN messenger, Skype and Facebook, which was healthy. Facebook tries to dominate internet to be only about Facebook, don't you think so! I am not refusing Facebook, it is a very good company, I am just thinking about encouraging competition. I believe we are responsible, we kill many good products by acting in this sheepish way of following what is in fashion.

Clothing lines, fastfood companies and websites are trying to kill our identities by claiming they know what is the "best" for us. It is time to choose. I believe, it is time to decide what is best for us. We are different. I think, everyone has his/her own taste and style that could be somewhere far from what is promoted, but some do not have the time to search for it.


Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Excuse me, when do you live exactly?

Coldness no longer makes me quiver. I am no longer looking for warmth. It is no longer a priority. Isn't it startling? I am twenty five but not as sensible to coldness as when I was twenty! I used to detest cold weather. I used to bury my body alive in cloth. 

It keeps pushing me to think, that question of when exactly does one live? At what age? At which point in life does one travel and discover life? When does one free one's self of these heavy metal chains of society, family, friends and work?

That slow tide of work and home, home and work, work and home, home and work and old friends that suck life out of any human being until one wakes up abruptly with a fragile body and sixty years on one's back. 
At that point mind keeps explaining its actions, providing evidence of success; that vague word that blind those who see, like gold, for me, invaluable. 

When will you travel? When will you swim in different seas? When will you try new stuff? When will you breathe different airs? When will you experience life, real life? 

Maybe my idea of life is not real life, but those who live out of the jungle wonder how can monkeys manage to live all their life jumping from one tree to another, looking for food and a good fuck.

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Down the road...

It is the simplest touch of hope that can force you choose your dreams. A mechanical approach to life means to see everything connected. Everything is one way or another related to us and our life explains the ingoing trust in an outer majestic force that moves us all. 

We are like men and women who push their lives down a long road collecting everything that they think they need in their live-carts. One day, I stopped in the middle of the way, pushed the cart in the river, and sat there, thinking. Do I really need to go on? What will happen if I die in the middle of the road? 

I even see monuments, wooden paths, houses, farms on the side of the road build by once-alive dead people. Some even paved it before they die to make it easier for us to reach our demise, why would they do so? It is a marathon, but some choose not to join the lunatic racing crowd. No worries the road can take as many racers as life is willing to offer. 

Oh, I can see some decided to wait for the rain, because they believe they might run out of water in the middle of the way, so they need to be prepared. But, if there is no rain, they might die out hunger by waiting there, strange. Maybe, they see me a strange person as well... 

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This is the end, my beautiful friend

It was said by The Doors. Eyes are fixed now; mind as well. I keep wandering in life, a great place. Small intruding stars wait for more scenes. I hear voices, sharper than shrills of pain. Streets are war zones. A splendid war zone is still a war zone, I said. Have you ever watched a cat running down the streets of Alexandria like a lady who has been raped, ravished, but trying to keep the strong facade. Cats are smart, they step on their dignity to survive. What a cause! 

A snake never stops biting even when caught, never quits fighting back, a genuine warrior. It is the same conclusion that has been promoted in every age, it is either to die standing or live on your knees. To be life's bitch or death's man... 

This is the end, my beautiful friend... 


Wednesday, April 13, 2011

A demigod beholder


These white sharp arrows that rest up there, pointed at every single looker, beholder, wait there patiently waiting for my fall. No eyes, just sharp white gestures, pointed everywhere, only a fool counts them. The hand of god is white with many wrinkles, circular, large, actually massive. I wonder what would happen if it squashes us all one day. An intimidating scene of defiance and rage. I wish I can hold the bull by the horns, but how can I act as a demigod with my feminine human soft hands? I am a human, shoot me. I know you will do so sooner or later. I detest this dark blue scene at night...  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A Day, like any other day


A day like any other day kicks the door to introde in my life. A day like any other day. I see nothing different. Some may say, do something different.

When I went there, were trees stand, waiting, I thought about it, isn't it boring to keep standing like this?

If I was a tree I would not be amazed if I abandon all my green leaves. I will not find it shocking to let all my leaves die alone near my roots. What is wrong in that? We all will die... 

A day like any other day, slaps me when I say "I will make a difference with my simplicity". Educating me. A day. 

And proud they stand

Dead leaves

© Ahmad Magdy - 2011

Friday, February 11, 2011

11 February 2011


Tahrir Square spread the air of freedom all over Egypt. I can breathe freedom amid all the chaos due to the disappearance of police. 

I look now at the empty streets of Alexandria, where there is no action except for the tired cars who are back from celebrations all over Alexandria. I tilt my heavy head up to look at the dark sky. What I see is a dream. A dream of Utopian change.

An Egyptian, successful, peaceful revolution that gave me hope can turn to be magical. This is what I am hoping for. 

11 February 2011 is a great combination of freedom for Egypt.   

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Egypt, a dying woman

I see doom dancing everywhere I look, looking defiantly back at me. It is the sense of loss. The end is near, but what shall this end be like? fire, death, shame, rage. Egypt is dying like an old woman, daggers slice at her thick skin viciously. Hyenas' eyes glisten as they gather to gnaw at her dying body. Egypt is collapsing. 

Where did all this anger come from? Like a volcano that ravishes everything. Die Egypt, maybe one day others with resurrect you, better people. Sane people. 

Long swords are ready to shed more and more blood. But, till when? At some point her body, Egypt's body will lose it all. Death laughs at every corner of the picture. Loudly. 

I am death. I am blind. Tomorrow is blacked out. Slowly, everything will end. Cry you hypocrites, shed more tears. Laugh you haters, with your red broken teeth. And me, Egypt, I am dying, slowly, silently.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Parasites with human smiles

Parasites with human smiles make me sick, do you know that they exist everywhere? These insects with human teeth, suck their way up the hierarchy. I feel shivers when I am touched by human-parasites. They have oily hands that seem accustomed to shake hands, kiss, favor, do all these socially accepted ways to conquer they way up, yet, I never comprehend that, I see them digging their way down. They cling to one at a time. I keep eyes in the back of my head as I walk my way down life's road. I hate them.