Friday, April 27, 2012

The animal in you

If you want to see how animalistic humans are, watch them when they are angry. 

Humans invented clothes to hide their animalistic nature, but did they kill the animal in them? They spend all their lives trying to hide it, deny it and they feel ashamed of it... It is not shameful or unacceptable. I think we need to be courageous enough to accept it instead of oppressing it, or to be fair "attempting to oppress it". 

Sometimes, I feel I need to shout "it is ok to be an animal" just be a good one!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

The last push!

Sometimes all you need to do is push. Like one bird twittering in a country filled with noise. Like, when running for a mile all your my muscles feel stressed, unable to go on, lungs about to explode, and I can no longer go on, it is that extra push that makes me keep on going. Who know how many extra pushes does one have! I feel like I am the only one calling on people to hang on to their lives when they see a flood coming, ravaging whatever it meets. Everyone makes one's reality, but what if everyone wants a shitty reality, and I want a wonderful one! Which will affect which! Which will dominate?